by Air Matters | Dec 3, 2014 | Occupational Hygiene Testing
Carol and Helen have recently attended the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygiene Conference held in Melbourne. Helen was awarded a scholarship from the NZOHS to attend the Continuing Education Sessions at the conference which involved seminars on ventilation,...
by Air Matters | Nov 1, 2014 | Environmental Consulting, Occupational Hygiene Testing
Worksafe New Zealand is consulting on a Workplace Exposure Standard for Diesel Particulate Matter. A review of international standards has been carried out and a proposed WES of 100ug/m3 has been recommended. The review documentation and feedback forms can be...
by Air Matters | Sep 12, 2014 | Occupational Hygiene Testing
Thanks to all the people who came and visited our stand at the OHSIG Conference in Auckland, and congratulations to Mike Gray who won the ‘Decibel Challenge’ and took home a case of wine by having the closest guess to the average sound level across the...
by Air Matters | Jun 1, 2014 | Environmental Consulting, Indoor Air Quality Testing, Occupational Hygiene Testing, Product Testing
Air Matters has now purchased a PPBRae 3000 Photoionisation Detector (PID) for measuring low levels of Volatile Organic Compounds from 1ppb to 10,000ppm. This unit is useful in environmental, odour, industrial hygiene, indoor air quality studies and tracking down...
by Air Matters | Apr 1, 2014 | Environmental Consulting, Occupational Hygiene Testing
A new systematic literature review concludes that there is strong and consistent evidence that many dusts and fumes are risk factors for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This paper has investigated the associations between occupational-attributable COPD...
by Air Matters | Feb 1, 2014 | Noise Testing
The bassist of Dire Straits rock band has suffered hearing damage as a result of his performing career and he now is unable to listen to loud music or stay in noisy environments. A very informative interview with the BBC Radio Live’s Shelagh Fogarty can be...
by Air Matters | Jan 19, 2014 | Noise Testing, Occupational Hygiene Testing
The Medical Research Council presents ‘A Century of Amplified Music’. This website touches on the advances of amplified music and then allows the reader to take a survey – which can lead to some quite interesting results. Have a go here.